Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 10. Going public.

Most people would advise us to wait another couple of weeks before breaking the big news, but what can we say? We're excited! So excited that keeping it a secret has been a challenge...for some(one). A few weeks ago a certain unnamed father-to-be made a few super sly phone calls that went something like this: "Shhhhh...don't let Nicole know I told you, but WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!" It's hard to be mad at that kind of excitement :)

So here is a quick rundown of what we know so far:

Due date: February 5, 2011
Growing quickly (on schedule), good strong heart rate, wiggling around like crazy.

Also, I have two uteruses (uteri?). Well, technically it's just one uterus that has a complete separation of the right and left side. Doctors call it a Bicornuate Uterus. There are varying degrees of this condition. Some women have a slight heart shape to their uterus, others a more pronounced heart shape, and fewer still have almost complete separation of the two sides - which doctors refer to as "horns". I am pregnant in my right horn. I will attach pictures I found online of a Bicornuate Uterus as well as a normal uterus so you can see what I'm talking about.

This is a normal uterus.

This is a Bicornuate Uterus.

Having such a pronounced Bicornuate Uterus does present some problems - and it already has. My left side is very confused about what is going on because it's not pregnant, but my body's hormone levels are telling it otherwise. So against its better judgement my left horn is producing everything it needs to build/house a baby - except there is no fetus. Once my left horn realizes that there is no fetus and it's doing all this work for nothing, it decides to get rid of everything - which presents as a "miscarriage". I say "miscarriage" because that's not what actually happened since there was never a fetus in the left horn to begin with. This poses a problem because every time this happens (it's happened twice) we worry that a miscarriage took place in the right horn - where there is a healthy fetus. Talk about a roller coaster!

The good news is the baby is doing just fine and hasn't been affected by the events in the left horn. What a trooper! I on the other hand cannot wait until the left side gets its act together because it is exhausting!

That about covers it for now. We will keep you posted as the adventure continues!


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