Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tacos are my new favorite food

In case you haven't heard yet - WE ARE MOVING TO CHICAGO!!! Chris and I are both out of our minds with excitement over this. Seriously, I haven't stopped laughing for the last 28 hours. I am sure if a stranger saw me they would think I escaped from the loony bin. George has picked up on our excitement and has been quite the "enthusiastic" puppy. If only he could direct all that energy into something useful - like packing!

If you are on facebook you may have heard that this all came about because Chris ate a really good taco. It's true. A taco changed our lives. Last Friday (6 days ago) Chris took my brother to our favorite little eatery, Mesquite. It's a super tiny Tex Mex restaurant that uses all fresh, local ingredients and their menu is always changing. Anyway, Chris decided to try their special - a roasted Long Island duck taco that had been marinated in a sweet and spicy mandarin orange sauce and topped with goat cheese. It was so amazingly delicious he just had to call someone to tell them about it. He chose to call the head of North American Business Development for one of his manufacturing suppliers. Chris knew that Ron lived in the area and was familiar with the restaurant, so he thought he would recommend Ron bring his family over to try out this spectacular taco. While on the phone Ron asked Chris how he's been and what he's up to. Chris mentioned that my family was in town from Chicago. That prompted Ron to say, "Chicago, really? Late this afternoon I found out our Chicago territory opened up." To which Chris replied, "I will send you my résumé when I get home."

Fast Forward to 9 AM Monday morning. Chris aced the phone interview. Slow Forward to 9 AM Wednesday morning. I say "slow forward" because Tuesday could not have passed any slower. Wednesday morning Chris met with the man in charge of hiring and by 11 AM he had a written offer in hand. They insisted he bring it home and talk it over with me (as if I was going to turn it down!) so by 3 PM on Wednesday Chris was the new Midwest Regional Sales Manager for Binder. His official start date is September 1st.

Are you jumping up and down and squealing like a little girl yet?! I am! Ha ha. (Don't worry, I'm not really jumping up and down...)

Ok, now onto baby updates. Everything is perfect. As I expected, the genetic counselor reported all good news. There is a 1 in >10,000 chance that our baby has any of the genetic diseases that they tested for.

I have been feeling a lot better these past two weeks. I seem to be over the nausea and fatigue :D WOO HOO!

Other than that I don't have anything else to report. I hope to see most of you really soon!

Lots of love,


1 comment:

  1. Hey, it sounds like Christopher and I can take a little credit for this life changing experience as well! Love, Mom
